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Wednesday, 24 September 2014

Basic Camera Shots

Extreme Close Up
Close Up
Medium Close Up
Medium Shot
Medium Long Shot
Long Shot
Extreme Long Shot

Tuesday, 23 September 2014


       Mise-en-scene is a French term for everything in the scene e.g. lighting, costume, colour, facial expression and composition.

       In the opening scene for the film Jaws, the first shot is of a group of teens gathered around a campfire at the beach. In this shot you can hear the conversation from the teens and the music that they are playing. You also have the warm glow from the fire that is surrounded by the harsh darkness of the beach. There are two teens from the group who are sitting slightly further away from the rest, making themselves isolated and vulnerable. It seems as though the couple want to be as isolated as they can get, as they start running along the beach, getting further and further away from their group. When they're running, they are actually running alongside a fence which represents being trapped e.g. jail, hinting that something bad will happen.
      There is a shot of the ocean where it appears to be very calm, adding on tension for the audience. The noise from the campfire has faded by this time, so it is only natural sounds you can hear. Once the teenage girl has jumped in the water on her own as her partner struggles to undress, the director brings the camera to sea level, bringing the audience closer to the upcoming action. The director then does a shot from the sharks point of view of the naked girl swimming. In this part the music is non-diegetic.

How are generic elements and camera angles used to create suspense in the attic scene of the Exorcist?

* The camera angle at one point is behind a stack of shelves and you can just see the woman,making it seem as if you are looking at whatever is in the attic's, point of view.
*There are a few close ups on the woman, so you're unable to see the rest of the room, so you're unsure of what she's seeing.
* In this scene there is no music, so that creates tension because you're trying to listen out for what she is.
* She's a stereotypical woman, tired, vulnerable and in her nighty and dressing gown.
*The room is dark so she needs to light a candle, which creates a flickering effect, so objects aren't clear.
*When the man comes up, the suspense drops immediately because the woman is now not alone, he brings extra light via his torch and he brings reassurance to the woman so she isn't as wary.

* The scene is set in the dark, making us expect something to happen.

*The title of the film implies that something bad is going to happen.

*At some points in the scene, the woman is filmed from above to exaggerate how vulnerable she is.

*She is also filmed from behind to make it seem like she is being followed.

Stand By Me is one of my favourite films. The story line is absolutely amazing, and so touching. It's a feel good film, but heart breaking in parts, and the friendship between the characters is just so precious. I just love it. 

Year 10 and 11 Media Studies

Hey! My name is Talya Kurt and this is my blog for media studies during year 10 and 11. I'm going to be updating this regularly, and I'm using this to keep track of my work and other stuff.